
Isn’t company culture all fluff?  This is a question I hear a lot. Thankfully, the answer is a resounding NO. 

Creating a high-performing company culture can be as fluffy or as non-fluffy as you’d like it to be. What makes a company’s culture great however is all substance. 

For example, driving home clarity around roles and responsibilities, goals, standards, and results is not fluffy. 

Demonstrating the discipline and will to maintain consistency in your organization does not require any level of fluff. 

Showing appreciation and recognizing someone for good work can be done with or without fluffiness.

Truly caring about people and helping them grow and develop can have zero fluff. 

To create a great culture, it requires leaders to create high levels of clarity, be super consistent, remember to celebrate often, and treat others fairly and with respect.

The best cultures have leaders who uphold standards, never settle, and are tenacious about achieving goals.

Occasionally great cultures are fluffy but that’s because the leader or team has chosen it. If you don’t like the fluff, you don’t need it. Trust me, it’s not required. 

You can have a great culture catered to your leadership style by simply focusing on the four c’s—clarity, consistency, celebration, and charity. 

Company culture is not fluff.

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