cascade communication

Communication has always been extremely important for effective leadership, however its significance has amped up even more during the coronavirus pandemic and virtual meetings. One vitally important communication practice leaders should use is cascade messaging.

Cascade messaging is making sure messages from a meeting cascade or flow down to the many different layers in an organization in a timely, clear, and concise way. 

During COVID-19, nailing this communication best practice has become an absolute necessity for leadership teams, yet many are still struggling to have good communication throughout their organization. Often the reason is because leaders do not have a simple system or process they follow. Here is one that can help. 

At the end of each leadership meeting, take five minutes to answer the following two questions as a group: 

1. What decisions did we make?

2. What message are we going to share with our teams and by when?


That’s it. Cascade messaging is a simple and effective way to create clarity and alignment throughout the organization.   

During this critical time of social distancing and virtual meetings, use cascade messaging to enhance your communication and improve results.

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