
How do you earn the respect of those you lead? Here are three simple tips.

#1 Be Vulnerable

One of the best ways to earn the respect of those you lead is by being vulnerable. Being vulnerable is a willingness to say “I’m sorry”, “I messed up”, “I don’t know”, or “I need help” when appropriate. It’s being willing to be human, transparent and honest. Leaders who are willing to be open and show they are less than perfect will encourage others to behave in the same way which will build trust among the team.

#2 Be Consistent

Leaders who show up in the same way during the good times and the bad earn the trust of their team. Reasonably and appropriately controlling your emotions and always focusing on the ultimate goal or purpose of the organization will help you be consistent. Likewise, leaders who have the discipline to repeat the same messages, take the same approach to similar situations, uphold their standards, and constantly live and behave in the way they encourage and expect others to live and behave will earn the respect of others.

#3 Be Committed  

What are you committed to?  Where do your loyalties lie?

Often leaders lose respect when their people feel they are being unfair or biased. One way to avoid this is for a leader to be committed to a cause. If the purpose of the organization is at the forefront of all decisions and actions, then inherent biases and perceived favoritism are minimized. Leaders who are dedicated first and foremost to a cause or the mission of the organization will garner respect.

Leaders should also be committed to their people. By investing in your team through helping them to develop, and having kindness and grace will endear you to those you lead. Additionally, getting to know your people on more than just a surface level will show your interest and commitment to them. Leaders who demonstrate they are committed to their team by being willing to fight, sacrifice, and work hard for them will earn their respect.

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