The best place to start in building a strong company culture is to clearly articulate your mission (purpose) and vision of your company.  Some leaders and organizations have done this but then don’t see much of an impact. Here are the three top reasons why. 

#1 Not Simple Enough

The number one reason why a mission and vision aren’t having the influence and impact leaders and company’s were hoping for is because they aren’t simple enough. When a mission and vision lack clarity, or in other words are confusing, they simply won’t have the intended impact on the organization. A clear and powerful mission and vision are typically one easy to understand, easy to digest sentence.  Anything more than that will lessen their effectiveness. 

#2 Disconnected

The number two reason is often there is a disconnect or gap between what the mission and vision states the company wants or believes in and what they actually do.  Stating your purpose and then not behaving, acting, and living in a way that demonstrates you are serious about that purpose or sharing your vision but then never taking actions that indicate you are committed to it will leave your team confused, frustrated, and skeptical.  As a result the impact of your mission and vision will be significantly diminished. 

#3 Not Inspiring

The last reason why a mission and vision may not be having the impact you were hoping for is because it isn’t inspiring. Your people want to be committed to a cause that adds value to this world.  Many missions and visions are still too focused on the business itself rather than on the positive impact the business hopes to have or the “why” behind all the hard work. If the idea of living your mission and achieving your vision doesn’t get you and your top performers amped up, then you know it is lacking. 

If your mission and vision are not having the impact you hoped they would, don’t give up. Instead, make sure they are simple, connected to all that you do, and are inspiring.

There is no better place to start in building a strong company culture than a well-written, widely publicized, and always acted upon mission and vision.

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