Type A personalities are typically defined as competitive, driven, and achievement oriented. Often, they are superb leaders in the workplace who know how to perform well and get results. However, sometimes managing Type A’s effectively can be tricky, especially when more than one is on your team. How does a leader bring Type A’s together and help them achieve collective results?  Here are four effective ways.  

#1 Shared Purpose

What is the ultimate purpose or mission of your organization?  Is it clear? Perhaps the best way to bring Type A’s together is to frequently remind them they are on the same team working towards the same purpose or end goal. Rather than competing against each other, help them know they are always competing together to win.  

#2 Shared Incentives  

Too often well-intentioned organizations unwittingly create compensation packages and awards that compete with one another. One of the best ways to get Type A’s working together is by making sure their incentives are aligned around the same end goals. Shared or collective goals that are centered on the success of the whole rather than an individual department or unit, will bring your team together.  

#3 Build Trust

Trust is paramount for Type A’s but how do you build it? Frequent communication, providing clarity and transparency, and inviting vulnerability will build trust. Though many Type A’s will shun the idea initially, encouraging them to open up and own who they are, both the good and the bad, will help them become a cohesive team. 

#4 Don’t Be Offended 

One of the best ways to disarm a heated situation is to not engage or take offense. Type A’s normally want what you want, so make a conscious choice not to take it personal when they are impatient or seem disrespectful. Leaders, who are unflappable and remain focused on results by allowing digs on their personal egos to roll off their backs, help Type A’s channel their energy and passion toward the right goals and results.  

If you’re struggling with leading Type A’s, you are not alone. Providing a shared purpose, ensuring aligned incentives, focusing on building trust, and choosing to not be offended will help you guide your team of Type A’s to incredible results.

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