I love working here

“I love it where I work!”

How many of your team members would say this about your organization?

The answer to this question is becoming more important than many realize.

The coronavirus pandemic has done a lot to change our views on work and the world. One that is gaining traction is fewer and fewer people seem to be willing to work for a company that doesn’t value and appreciate their people.

Unlike in days past, good talent is examining closely the culture of an organization before deciding to join. They want to know how they will be treated, what the purpose of the company is, where the organization is headed, and how they can develop and grow. They want to know they are contributing to a cause that is meaningful, and they want to be part of a team they can be proud of.

So how is your company’s culture? Can most of your team members honestly say, “I love working here!” 

If not, now is the time to begin cultivating a company culture that people want to be a part of.

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