
5 Reasons Why Good Employees Quit and Leave your Organization


Few things are more discouraging for leaders than when they find out a good employee is quitting—especially when they discover that person is going to work for their competition!     When this happens, too many leaders and organizations allow themselves to believe employees go because they are offered better benefits or pay; however, this is rarely the case.  Multiple studies on why employees leave their jobs have proven that most do not quit for more pay or better benefits.  Still, too many accept this belief and thus continue to see their best employees exit their organization.    Though pay and benefits [...]

5 Reasons Why Good Employees Quit and Leave your Organization2021-03-15T07:50:59-05:00

9 Simple Ways Leaders Can Repeat Their Most Important Messages


Creating organizational clarity is the first step in establishing a strong company culture. Clarity is vital because it eliminates confusion and aligns a team. At the heart of creating clarity is repetition. Leaders must find opportunities to repeat their most important messages often.  Since repetition is critical to clarity, here are 9 simple ways leaders and organizations can and should repeat their most important messages. During the interview In new employee orientation Throughout leadership and all-staff meetings In formal employee evaluations During any formal disciplinary action Throughout the onboarding process In company continuing education and staff development systems Through recognition [...]

9 Simple Ways Leaders Can Repeat Their Most Important Messages2021-02-10T16:25:26-06:00

What to Do When an Employee Gets Mad


How should leaders respond when an employee gets upset with something that has been asked of them or shared with them? The natural reaction is to get angry or frustrated in response, however, usually this is the worst thing you can do.  Instead, leaders should take a step back and ask themselves: are my intentions clear?  Often employees become mad because they are filling in the blanks and making assumptions. They assume things like “my leader is criticizing me”, or “she must not trust my judgement”, or “he’s just trying to make things difficult.” Almost always, these assumptions [...]

What to Do When an Employee Gets Mad2020-09-28T07:49:25-05:00

Company Culture Made Simple


Establishing a strong company culture can be remarkably simple.  A great culture first starts with creating clarity. When things are clear, it aligns and unifies a team. In essence, it gets everyone rowing in the same direction. Second, a strong culture requires consistency. Consistent practices and predictable patterns of behavior, routines, and systems build trust and cohesion.  Next, adding celebration strengthens a culture. When teams are recognized for their efforts frequently and when they are able to bond together through consistent moments of celebration, it creates a sense of pride and belonging.  Finally, showing charity or helping people [...]

Company Culture Made Simple2020-02-21T11:53:45-06:00

Ep 3. Creating Clarity Within Your Organization


Creating clarity is the first step to establishing a healthy organizational culture. Clarity sets the foundation for a strong company culture to grow. But how do you do it? In this episode Tim shares three simple and highly effective ways leaders can create clarity that permeates the entire organization. Implementing these three simple systems can be done within any enterprise and will have huge implications on your results as a leader. This is a can’t miss episode! Featured Episodes

Ep 3. Creating Clarity Within Your Organization2019-09-25T15:10:35-05:00

Is There A Model For Producing A Strong Company Culture?


Most organizations and leaders understand that company culture influences business results. Though this is common knowledge, what isn’t well known is how to best manage and shape the company culture to improve results. As with most business functions, models and systems are often developed to help leaders and organizations achieve desired results. These models or systems impact behavior and allow a company to systematically obtain an anticipated outcome. What if there was such a model for shaping and creating a strong company culture? Though effective company cultures come in many different forms, there is a model that leaders or organizations [...]

Is There A Model For Producing A Strong Company Culture?2019-07-26T20:58:02-05:00

3 Ways To Win At Work


Are you winning at work? How do you know? Too many people aren’t sure if they are winning at work or not. They go through their routines, strive to do their best, but at the end of the day they feel unsure.   So, today, let’s talk about three ways you can know whether your winning at work or not.   #1 Define What Winning Looks Like  Too many people aren’t sure if they are winning or not because they’ve never taken the time to decide what winning means to them. They haven’t envisioned who or what they want [...]

3 Ways To Win At Work2019-03-11T16:25:04-05:00

Upgrade Your Decision Making


What do you stand for?   What does your organization stand for?  Is this clear to all of your team?  Establishing core values for your life and for your organization is one of the best things you can do to improve results. When values are established, defined, and made clear, it can guide decision-making.   This is extremely important when faced with critical, tough, and in-the-moment decisions.   Imagine for example that your employee is dealing with a tough customer who is very upset. Perhaps your employee is inclined to hang-up the phone, roll their eyes, walk away, or perhaps even retaliate with their own frustrations.   Now imagine, [...]

Upgrade Your Decision Making2019-02-06T19:59:26-06:00

Ep 2. People Systems–Your Key To Clarity


Have you ever wondered how to establish or strengthen clarity within your organization? This podcast has the answer. Learn what people systems are and how they can help any leader create and reinforce clarity around those things that matter most throughout their entire organization. The information shared in this podcast is critical to establishing a strong organizational culture and without it, any hope to develop a strong culture will be futile. This is a must listen to episode!   Featured Episodes

Ep 2. People Systems–Your Key To Clarity2019-01-24T19:04:17-06:00

Ep 6. Clarity – The Base of the Model


Clarity is at the base of the 4Cs model to creating a healthy organizational culture and is perhaps the most important of the 4Cs. In this episode we dive more in-depth into the model. I discuss why clarity is at the bottom of the model and why it is so important to success within in an organization. We also discuss what the most important items are that a leader must make clear if they hope to have a healthy culture. Featured Episodes

Ep 6. Clarity – The Base of the Model2019-01-10T20:14:02-06:00
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