mission statement

Communicating Your Mission Statement to Your Employees


Now that you have a well-written mission statement, what’s next?   Merely writing an inspiring mission statement is never enough to transform your company’s culture. The next step is communicating your mission statement to your employees, or what I like to call operationalizing your mission.    Unfortunately for many companies, a mission statement is written and then forgotten.  Sure, it may reside on the first page of the employee handbook or be found on the homepage of the company’s website, but there is so much more that must be done to take full advantage of it.  Too many companies have a good [...]

Communicating Your Mission Statement to Your Employees2021-03-15T07:39:06-05:00

How to Write an Effective Mission Statement


A Mission Statement is an essential building block to developing a strong company culture. But what exactly is a mission statement and how do you write it in a way that makes it effective? These are the questions we will be answering in this article.           What is a Mission Statement?  A mission statement is a brief aspirational declaration, expressed in plain language, that describes what the organization is trying to accomplish. It offers a timeless expression of a company’s reason for being. A mission helps bring goals to life, provides meaning to day-to-day work, and should shape all decisions [...]

How to Write an Effective Mission Statement2023-08-02T02:55:51-05:00

All Companies Have a Mission, Vision, & Values, So Why Bother? 


Most reputable companies have some form of a mission, vision, and values for their organization. However not all of these companies are successful so do they really matter that much?  The answer is yes!    Though most have them, here are two reasons why they don’t always help and why you still need them. #1 Most mission, vision, and values are poorly written. Thus, they fail to inspire the team or create organizational clarity around the purpose, standards, and direction of the company. Essentially, they completely miss their whole reason for existence and therefore add little value.      Leaders should [...]

All Companies Have a Mission, Vision, & Values, So Why Bother? 2020-10-05T06:33:12-05:00

3 Essentials For a Well-Crafted Mission Statement


A Mission Statement is an essential building block to developing a strong organizational culture. When a mission statement is well written, it can inspire a team and give them purpose. Unfortunately, too many mission statements are poorly written and thus do little to help align and motivate an organization.  It doesn’t have to be this way! Below are 3 essential elements to creating a well-crafted mission statement that will have a tremendous impact on your organization. #1 Answers the Critical Question First, the mission statement should clearly answer the critical question: why do people go to work each [...]

3 Essentials For a Well-Crafted Mission Statement2019-09-27T14:44:25-05:00

Where to Start in Creating a Strong Culture


A common question I’m asked about creating a healthy and strong organizational culture is where should I start? Though there are a lot of things you can do right now to improve your culture, the best place to start is with a mission statement. (Check out my article on 3 Essential Elements To A Well-Crafted Mission Statement).  Purpose A good mission statement is the best place to start because it gives your team purpose. Without purpose, people struggle to do their best work. When motivated by a purpose, teams reach results beyond what many will believe is possible.   Decision Making A good mission statement is also [...]

Where to Start in Creating a Strong Culture2019-03-04T12:52:27-06:00
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