
Three Things Leaders Must Do to Achieve Company Goals


It’s the new year and many of us are focused on 2021 goals. As a leader, what is your plan to ensure you achieve them this year?  Here are three things you can do to make sure you reach them.  #1 is to create clarity around your goals.  Too many goals are never reached simply because people don’t know about them or they don’t understand them.  Making sure goals are very clear in the minds of your team by explaining and repeating them often is a critical first step to achieving them.   #2 is to consistently track progress toward reaching [...]

Three Things Leaders Must Do to Achieve Company Goals2021-01-08T11:25:25-06:00

The Most Important Word for 2021


“Why” is the most important word for 2021. The reason is because now more than ever, people want to contribute to a cause and make a difference. People want a clear purpose for doing what they are doing. They want to be inspired. Establishing a clear “why” is one of the most important steps to accomplishing New Year’s resolutions and other goals.  Without a clearly understood “why”, it is easy to lose motivation or get distracted. Those who do not focus on “why” this year will lose momentum and will find it harder and harder to sustain their results. On [...]

The Most Important Word for 20212021-01-08T11:34:13-06:00

2020’s Perfect Gift


I love this time of year when so many of us are focused on giving to others. Giving is a wonderful thing. It softens hearts, changes behavior, and strengthens relationships. Giving has a positive impact on both the receiver and the giver. Meaningful giving can even change lives. As a business leader, what do you plan to give to those you lead this year? Will it be a year-end bonus, a company logoed facemask, or another nice gift? Will it be a heart-felt Christmas card with some extra praise, appreciation, and recognition? All of these would be fine gifts.  However, [...]

2020’s Perfect Gift2021-01-12T12:21:30-06:00

Culture Change for the New Year


If you could change one thing about your workplace culture, what would it be?   Sometimes the idea of changing a company’s culture can seem overwhelming. It can feel like you're trying to eat an entire elephant in one bite.  And the larger the organization, the bigger the elephant!  Rather than trying to eat the elephant whole, consider selecting one aspect of your culture you’d like to change or improve and focus on that first.  Once this one area has improved, then take on another and another.  Suddenly, slowly bite by bite, you transform your culture. One reason I love this [...]

Culture Change for the New Year2021-01-12T12:37:36-06:00

Easy Ways To Spot Good Company Culture


Whether you’re just starting a new job or deciding whether to join an organization or not, an essential aspect of your professional life is the workplace culture. The office or organization’s environment can make or break your job experience and could lead to either long-term employment or have you rushing back to the job market.  Maybe you’re wondering what sorts of things determine or reflect the good company culture. Though it might be difficult to explain, there are several quantifiable factors that you can look for that can indicate the health of the workplace. These factors can also show you happiness [...]

Easy Ways To Spot Good Company Culture2021-02-10T15:01:16-06:00

Something Leaders Can Believe In


The holiday season is a time of belief. During it, we are invited to believe in a lot of different things. I’d like to add one to the list. As a leader, I’d like to invite you to believe in your team. 2020 has been a challenging year.  Many have lost jobs, health, businesses, confidence, wealth, loved ones, security, and even hope. As a leader, you are in a unique position to lift the spirits of those you lead. And you can do that by believing in your people more than they believe in themselves. I’ve found that when I [...]

Something Leaders Can Believe In2021-01-12T12:43:42-06:00

5 Simple Ways to Identify a Good Company Culture


If you’re deciding whether to join an organization or not, it’s important to remember that your happiness at work will be influenced heavily by the workplace culture. Though it might be difficult to detect before you begin work, there are several clues you can look for that indicate the strength of a company’s culture. #1 Long-Tenured Employees One strong indicator of company culture is the employee turnover rate. Simply put, happy and engaged employees stay with their employer for a long time. So ask, ‘how long have you been at the company?’, to as many people as you possibly can.  [...]

5 Simple Ways to Identify a Good Company Culture2021-01-12T12:49:46-06:00

How To Improve Company Culture in 90 Days


You hear the word culture all the time when it comes to the workplace, but we think it should be more than just a vague term. And though many people will tell you having a good one is necessary for an effective and successful workplace, you might be wondering how to improve company culture on a realistic level. At The Center For Company Culture, we’ve designed a 90-Days to A High-Performing Culture course to help you do just that. Our goal is to show you everything that goes into building a great company culture and then give you the tools you [...]

How To Improve Company Culture in 90 Days2021-02-10T15:02:27-06:00

Grateful Leaders are Successful Leaders


Grateful leaders are often successful leaders. Here are two thoughts on gratitude for leaders this Thanksgiving week:  1. “Not what we say about our blessing, but how we use them is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”  W.T. Purkiser Many times we claim to be thankful but often our actions demonstrate otherwise. For example, if I’m thankful for my job, I will work hard at it and not spend my time complaining or just doing the minimum to get by.  If I’m truly thankful for my team, I will spend time with them, listen to them, and strive to always [...]

Grateful Leaders are Successful Leaders2021-01-12T12:55:58-06:00

5 Big Reasons Why People are Leaving Your Company


Few things are more discouraging than a high-quality employee leaving your company. And too often leaders shrug their shoulders and say it must be because they were offered more money or better benefits elsewhere.  Here are five big reasons why people are likely leaving your organization. #1 A Purpose Wasn’t Clear Too often people aren’t sure what the purpose is behind all of the work. Sure, they get a paycheck and they like a few of their co-workers; but this isn’t enough to convince them to stay.  We all want to contribute to something bigger than ourselves and leave our [...]

5 Big Reasons Why People are Leaving Your Company2021-02-18T14:30:13-06:00
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